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We are your coaches

and we would like to answer some questions for you. 

We encourage you to dig deeper in this section.

It has all our secrets.



My name is Renja Reenpää and I am on a mission to inspire you into living your fullest life every day...

I know you want to be coached soon lovely. I am open for new private clients right now!  Book your spot by emailing me @ In the meanwhile please dig in to our free resources in the freebies section. 



My name is Mariko Pajalahti and I am here to help you breath and open yourself up to the world with the power of yoga...



My name is Noora Raitosola and I am a certified health coach who is passionate about health, happiness and chocolate...



I'm Mathilda Kurki and movement is my way to express myself and to relieve stress. For me a physical practice is also a mental practice...


My name is Renja Reenpää and I am on a mission to inspire you into living your fullest life every day. 

Q:What drives you in life?

R: Having purpose and faith. Without those two life can easily lose its meaning. Love is a great bonus. And good people in your life. But these things will follow once you have your light house at sight. I have faith in the world and I believe in friendship, in myself and I believe in creating things together. 

Q: Have you always wanted to be a coach?

R: Not to my knowledge. As a six year old little girl, I wanted to be a bank manager. I think I'd read too many Donald Ducks, and dreamt of hopping in a sea of coins like a dolphin. Nothing wrong with that. In 2005 I actually graduated with Master's degree in Economics, but instead of banking I ended up working in branding and advertising. Close enough! My career advanced quickly. I was hungry, smart and enthusiastic, but never actually stopped to think about what I really wanted and needed. When I look back it was always people that I was interested in.  


I have done a lot of searching and at one amazing point of my life I was living in New York studying acting and working in a bar. Such lovely years filled with freedom! But after a couple of those lovely years it was time for another change. I decided to relocate myself back to Helsinki. And so along with this decision I met the love of my life and soon I was pregnant and terrified. I believe this was the true starting point of me becoming a life coach.  


Q: How would you describe yourself?

R: I am a doer by nature. It's close to impossible for me to sit in the sidelines when there is something happening around me. I believe that there is so much strength and greatness inside us, if we just have the right support in finding that. Action gives me energy, and I I tend to create it by making changes. When I hit 30, I sold my apartment, quit my job and went around the world by myself. I remember feeling like anything is possible! Intoxicating. I actually waited for a lightning to strike and then I would realize what I want to do with my life. Instead of seeing this as a process. Small choices everyday, thats what changing your life is all a about.

Q:So what happened that inspired you to become a coach?

R: How does a girl who has always been very precise about her freedom, fun and independency turn into a woman whose job is to be nature's selfless miracle creator? Not easily. I went into a great struggle that lasted for over two years. The transition felt to me like climbing Mount Everest in my summer dress with heels on, all still ok until the storm... I was surrounded with clouds so dark that I was unable to see a future. 


Q: So this dark place actually inspired you?

R: Well, at the moment it sure as hell did not feel inspiring, but that is actually where a good coach would have made a world of difference. I felt exhausted, hopeless and had no tools on how to get my life back. But with some inspiration from my acting colleague and kick ass life coach I finally enrolled in Mentor Masterclass and spent first half of my education using the techiques I learnt in the class on myself. Best investment I have ever made by far.


Q: So what is a good life coach all about?

R: Walking her talk, passion to give and a solid toolbox. Second half of my training I started to find ways to give back to the world what I had learnt. And here we are. Now I do have the tools and the faith. If it's my choice to make, no-one should do their Mount Everest like I did. 


Q: How do you do coach? 

R: I consider myself as an "Everyday coach". I mean, it's not our greatest triumphs that we spend most of our life in, but it's the getting there part. So I will help my clients to combine their dreams with the everyday life. Exciting, right? To be honest, I am really excited about my work. My unique approach combines refined techniques with compassion and self appreciation.


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Up Dog, Down Dog, Strike a pose!

My name is Mariko Pajalahti and I am here to help you breathe and open yourself up to the world with the power of yoga.

Q:How did you get into yoga?

M: I first stepped on the yoga mat in 2004, my interest being to find a highly physical practice l could take with me on tour. At the time l was the lead singer of a band and practically living on the road. In eight years we released 4 award winning albums that sold somewhere around 150 000 copies, life was loud!


Q: Ok, so you have moved from a famous singer to a kick ass yoga teacher, something shifted?

M: Yes! In 2010 l moved to New York with the notion of Bigger, Better, Faster More, but whaddya know, instead of finding myself running around music biz events, l found myself more and more on the yoga mat. I practiced Iyengar, Kundalini, PowerYoga, Hatha… It took me a while to admit it to myself that l´m really not that interested in the pop scene anymore, but instead in movement, spiritual growth and the finer things in life.

So as all stories go, one thing leads to another, and here l am. A full time yoga teacher and loving every minute of it! At Ahaa I currently offer my services as part of the programs. Ask me more:

Q: What do you bring to the table?

M: I rely a lot on my own inner voice, which is the feeling of energy I get from my surroundings. My style is dynamic, alignment oriented with an emphasis on core awareness. Be the practice fast or slow it gives us the opportunity to ease out of that monkey brain mode into movement, into breath and if the weather is fair- into all kinds of good vibes.




My name is Noora Raitosola and I am a certified health coach who is passionate about health,

happiness and chocolate!


Q: What's the best chocolate?

N: Well I'm originally from Finland so there is only one option...I'll give you  a hint: think of the colour BLUE.


Q: Have you always wanted to be a healthcoach?

N: Not exactly. I think I became slowly but steadily more aware of my health and what is affecting it as the years went by. I spent several years living and working all over Europe in countries like Greece and England before moving to the United States to study business management in 2003.


Throughout my journeys I supported myself by working in the service industry and after a while I was making a comfortable living working as a bartender in a nightclub. Despite the comfort I found that I was physically and mentally drained from working nights, eating unhealthy foods at odd hours, and having no normal schedule. I needed to alter my lifestyle and find the strength to break out of my comfort zone.

Q: Well what motivated you to actually take action?

N: The birth of my daughter Lea was. Becoming a mother made me take a long, hard look at myself and made me realize that I wanted my daughter to be surrounded by healthy lifestyle choices. Growing up in Finland, locally grown, organic foods, exercise and healthy living had been the norm. I wanted my daughter to grow up with those same healthy foundations. It was time for change!

Q:What was this action?

N: I found a good overall health system and started to live by it. Today I use this system to teach people how to build a  healthy foundation without giving up their favorite pleasures.


Q: What is the key to a healthy life?

N: Having a healthy life is not just about nutrition, but having all aspects of your life in an alignment with your best self. Health, relationships, career goals, money and your connection to something greater are all important aspects of feeling whole and living the life of your dreams.  


Q: How do you coach this to people?

N: I believe that every action has a positive intention and that unhealthy behaviors are not problems but just the best solution to your cravings that you’ve come up with so far. It is my goal to help you connect the dots and show you EXACTLY how to come up with better solutions, no matter how far off track you've fallen.




I'm Mathilda Kurki and movement is my way to express myself and to relieve stress. For me a physical practice is also a mental practice.


Q: Who are you?

M: I'm grown up hippy, modern-day nomad, mother, spouse, yogi, Social Science BA, dancer & to-be Nobel Peace Prize winner.


Q: Whats "The Thing" for you regarding yoga and moving your body? 

M: Movement is my way to express myself, to relieve stress and pain as well as simply to lark around. For me a physical practice is a mental practice and the most significant ‘ahaa-moments’ in my life have occured whilst moving. 

Q: What is most important for you in the world? 

M: To stay curious and grateful. To take care of myself and my close ones. To change the world to be better place for the next generation.


Q:What do you secretly desire in life? 

M: A life in an alternative society where prosperity, authority, wealth, pride nor prejudice do not control people’s lives.


Q: What do you want to give to the world?

N: World peace, definitely!



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